By using this website, you unconditionally agree to the terms below. Please read them carefully before you start using it. These terms can be changed at any time by modifying this text. Such changes are binding on you, so you should regularly visit this page to check for any updates.

The website, including its structure and graphic design, is the exclusive property of tukitoys.com/shop and is protected under the Act of February 4, 1994, on Copyright and Related Rights (Journal of Laws of February 23, 1994, No. 24, item 83, as amended). Copying elements of the website, information, texts, photos, or other graphic elements, as well as trademarks posted on the site, for use in whole, in part, or in a modified form on other websites, in electronic publications or in material form, without the prior written consent of tukitoys.com, is prohibited.

Tukitoys.com reserves the right to change and correct information on the site at any time without prior notice to users. Tukitoys.com is not responsible for the content of websites not owned by tukitoys.com, to which links (hyperlinks) have been placed on the site.

The data provided on the website does not constitute a binding offer of any services provided to website users. This data is for general information purposes only. Tukitoys.com reserves the right to make changes to all or part of the information on this site without notice. Tukitoys.com is not responsible for the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of the products, services, analyses, or information presented on the site. The entire risk associated with the use of the provided information is borne by the user of tukitoys.com websites, even in the event of any damage resulting from the use of the information contained therein.

This Regulation was prepared based on Article 8(1)(1) of the Act of July 18, 2002, on the Provision of Electronic Services (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended). The Regulation is made available free of charge through the Store, ensuring the possibility of reading its content before concluding a contract.

The TUKI online store, operating at https://www.tukitoys.com/shop, is run by TUKI Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Olecko (19-400) at ul. Przemysłowa 6, KRS: 0000665034, NIP: 8471617537, REGON: 366619747.

Contact with the Store – via email: info@tukitoys.com.

§ I. Order Placement and Fulfillment

  1. The Store sells goods and services via the Internet. Ordered goods are shipped from the TUKI Sp. z o.o. warehouse at ul. Przemysłowa 6, 19-400 Olecko. Information about goods and services is posted on the website tukitoys.com/shop.
  2. Orders from customers are accepted through the website tukitoys.com/shop, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Placing orders via the Internet is possible provided that the ICT system used by the customer meets the following minimum technical requirements: An active email account is necessary to make purchases in the Store. To create a customer account, visit the website: https://tukitoys.com/shop/login.html and fill out the form, providing an email address and setting a password for the account. It is prohibited to provide unlawful content by the customer. If the Store receives an official notice or credible information about the unlawful nature of the stored data provided by the customer, the Store may disable access to this data.
  3. Information about goods constitutes an invitation to conclude a contract within the meaning of Article 71 of the Civil Code. By sending an order to the Store, the customer makes an offer to conclude a sales contract for the ordered goods or services with the Store. Each payment made by the customer – except for payment made upon receipt of the order – constitutes an advance payment towards the fulfillment of the order until the Store sends a confirmation of order acceptance for fulfillment. As a result of the order placed by the customer, the Store sends the customer a specification of the order made by the customer to the provided email address. The specification mentioned in the previous sentence does not constitute confirmation of order acceptance for fulfillment. Confirmation of order acceptance for fulfillment will be sent to the email address provided by the customer, constituting a declaration of acceptance of the offer mentioned above, immediately after verifying the availability of goods from the Store’s suppliers.
  4. The Store ensures the possibility of choosing ordered goods or services.
  5. The Store ensures the possibility of choosing the delivery method from the available options and the delivery address and the address to which the invoice should be issued (these may be different addresses).
  6. The Store ensures the possibility of choosing the payment method from those available in the Store.
  7. In case of inability to fulfill the order, the Store will inform the customer about this fact no later than within 7 days from the date of receiving the customer’s specification mentioned in point 4 above. The notification will be sent to the email address provided by the customer in the order form. If the customer has paid for the order mentioned above, the Store will refund the paid money.
  8. Partial fulfillment – choosing this option by the customer results in the order being fulfilled only for the available goods.
  9. The Store ensures the possibility of canceling the entire order.

§ II. Order Changes

  1. Changes can be made by contacting Customer Service through the contact form on the help pages or by phone.
  2. Changes ordered by phone will only be made after verifying the customer as the account owner. Modifications concerning the customer’s address, delivery address, and refund instructions will only be accepted through the contact form on the Help pages after logging in to the customer account.

§ III. Product Prices

  1. Prices are given in Polish PLN or in EUR (depending on selected currency in user’s options).
  2. Prices include VAT.
  3. Prices do not include any customs duties.
  4. Prices do not include delivery costs.
  5. Promotions in the Store cannot be combined unless the promotion regulations state otherwise.
  6. Delivery costs.

§ IV. Order Fulfillment Time and Shipping Costs

  1. In Poland, the order can be delivered, according to the customer’s choice.
  2. Orders to EU countries can only be delivered by courier or shipping. The cost of courier service in Poland depends on the size of the ordered goods. The shipping cost is always provided in the order summary.
  3. Orders to non-EU countries are delivered by courier.
  4. Due to the nature of the goods, the Store reserves the right to exclude some delivery methods, which the customer will be informed about on the Product Page.
  5. Checking the condition of the shipment and determining the nature of the breach or damage to the packaging carried out in the presence of the courier or postal worker, including preparing a damage report, will facilitate the Store in considering the complaint.

§ V. Payment Methods, Order Fulfillment Start

  1. Payment upon receipt – order fulfillment begins after completing the ordering process.
  2. Bank transfer, electronic transfer – order fulfillment begins after the payment is credited to the Store’s bank account.
  3. Payment in the Przelewy24 system – order fulfillment begins after the payment is credited to the Przelewy24 system.
  4. Payment in the PayPal system – order fulfillment begins after the payment is credited to the PayPal system.
  5. For selected goods, the Store reserves the right to exclude some payment methods or delivery methods for the placed order, which the customer will be informed about on the Product Page.

§ VI. Complaints

  1. Customers can report any irregularities related to the Store’s functioning in writing using the contact form. The complaint should include the customer’s name, correspondence address, type, and date of occurrence of the irregularity related to the Store’s functioning.
  2. Goods may be covered by a manufacturer or distributor warranty. Detailed warranty conditions and duration are provided in the warranty card issued by the guarantor, which the customer will be informed about on the Product Page. If the warranty document allows, the customer can make claims under the warranty directly at the authorized service, whose address is provided in the warranty document.
  3. The customer can use warranty rights directly with the guarantor (manufacturer or distributor) in the indicated services or the seller’s warranty rights.
  4. A proof of purchase with a description of the complaint should be attached to the returned goods.
  5. The Store will respond to the submitted complaint within 14 days from the date of receiving the shipment with the complained goods and inform the customer about further proceedings. The Store will refund the costs related to returning the complained goods (economic package) after considering the complaint according to the procedure described in Section VIII Refunds to Customers.

§ VII. Right to Withdraw from the Contract

  1. According to the Act of May 30, 2014, on Consumer Rights, a customer who is a Consumer can withdraw from the contract in writing without giving a reason within 14 days from the date of receiving the shipment. To submit a withdrawal statement, the Consumer can use the withdrawal form, then send it by scan to the email address: info@tukitoys.com or add the withdrawal form to the return package, sending the completed statement to the address: TUKI Sp. z o.o., ul. Przemysłowa 6, 19-400 Olecko.
  2. Returned goods must be complete. Goods should be returned unchanged unless the change was necessary within the ordinary management limits, i.e., the Consumer should handle the goods considering the necessity of their possible subsequent return. The Consumer is responsible for reducing the value of the goods resulting from using them beyond what is necessary to establish their nature, characteristics, and functioning.
  3. The Consumer bears the direct costs of returning the goods to the Store.

VIII. Refunds to Customers

  1. Subject to the relevant provisions of the Consumer Rights Act, if circumstances obliging the Store to refund the amounts paid by the customer to the Store arise, the refund will be made no later than within 14 days.
  2. If the customer made a payment by credit card or electronic transfer, the refund is made to the credit card or bank account from which the payment was made (refund of payment using the same payment method). In the case of traditional bank transfer payment, payment upon receipt, or when, for reasons beyond the Store’s control, it is impossible to identify the bank account from which the payment was made (no possibility of refunding the payment using the same payment method), the refund will be made to the customer’s account in the Store, of which the customer will be informed by email. Then, with the prior consent of the customer and based on their instruction, the refund will be transferred to the customer’s bank account. The instruction is submitted to the Store via the contact form on the Help pages after logging into the customer’s account or, in the case of withdrawal from the contract, by filling out the form mentioned in point VII para.1, in the part including the bank account number. The Store reserves the right to verify the identity of the customer submitting the refund instruction in case of doubt about the customer’s identity.
  3. The Store is not responsible for failing to refund the amounts or delays if this occurred due to providing incorrect personal data (name, surname, address) or an incorrect account number by the customer.

§ IX. Personal Data

  1. By placing an order in the Store, the customer provides the necessary personal data for order fulfillment and thus agrees to have their personal data included in the administrator’s database, i.e., TUKI Sp. z o.o., and processed for the purpose of concluding and fulfilling the contract. If the customer gives additional consents, their personal data will be processed by the Store or the Store’s business partners to inform the customer about new goods, promotions, and services available in the Store or with the above-mentioned partners.
  2. Detailed information on the principles of personal data processing by the administrator can be found on the website at https://tukitoys.com/privacy-policy Providing personal data by the customer is voluntary, but their failure to provide it makes it impossible for the Store to fulfill the order.
  3. The customer is responsible for providing false personal data.
  4. Personal data obtained by the administrator is protected according to GDPR, i.e., the regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, and according to other legal acts issued in addition to GDPR or replacing it, in particular, in a way that prevents third parties from accessing them.

§ X. Information on Personal Data Protection

  1. TUKI Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Olecko (19-400) at ul. Przemysłowa 6, KRS: 0000665034, VAT: PL8471617537, REGON: 366619747 (hereinafter: “Administrator”), is the administrator of your personal data based on Article 6(1)(a), (b), and (f) of GDPR.
  2. Your data is processed for: a) proper submission or fulfillment of your order by the Administrator b) marketing purposes of products and services provided by the Administrator or its partners, including direct marketing using telephone, traditional mail, or electronic mail.
  3. The data processed by the Administrator generally includes: first and last names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, bank account/credit card data, purchase history, and to the extent necessary to provide services: PESEL, NIP, data related to identity documents or contained therein. Providing data is voluntary but necessary for or related to the services provided by the Administrator.
  4. Your data will be made available only to authorized persons (employees or entities cooperating with the Administrator) concerning performing their duties related to providing services to the Administrator, as well as entities providing accounting, transport, tax, or IT services to the Administrator. The obtained personal data will not be shared with other entities than those mentioned above unless required by applicable law or necessary or needed for concluding or fulfilling the contract. The obtained personal data will not be transferred to countries outside the EU and EEA.
  5. Your data will be stored for the duration of the contracts with the Administrator and the period of limitation/expiration of claims arising from them or pursuing potential claims in connection with events related to the services provided by the Administrator, i.e., for the maximum period of limitation/expiration of claims provided by the applicable law in the Republic of Poland. In the case of personal data processed solely based on the given consent – until the withdrawal or expiration/expiration of all claims arising from or related to the processed personal data, whichever is later.
  6. You have the right to access your data and the right to correct, delete, limit processing, the right to transfer data, the right to object, the right to withdraw consent at any time (without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal and processing carried out on another basis than consent), except when due to legal provisions we are entitled or obliged to further process the data. Each customer has the right to access their data and correct it – e.g., on the www.tukitoys.com/shop My Account pages, each customer, after registering, has access to their data and can change it.
  7. You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority (i.e., from May 25, 2018, to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection), if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates GDPR or relevant Polish laws implementing GDPR (e.g., the Act of May 10, 2018, on personal data protection effective from May 25, 2018).
  8. Your data will not be used for automated decision-making, including profiling.
  9. Any reports and inquiries regarding your personal data should be directed to the email address: info@tukitoys.com.

§ XI. Final Provisions

  1. The sales contract is concluded between the customer and TUKI Sp. z o.o.
  2. The goods presented on the Store’s pages do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code.
  3. The Store is not responsible for blocking email messages by server administrators to the email address provided by the customer or for deleting and blocking email messages by software installed on the customer’s computer.
  4. Session cookies – operate only while browsing the service pages, enabling their proper functioning,
  5. Permanent cookies – remain on the computer after visiting the tukitoys.com/shop page,
  6. Third-party cookies – allow the website to be adjusted to the customer’s preferences.

The customer can use the website without using the cookie mechanism, but this may mean that some functions or services of the Store will not work correctly. If the customer does not consent to the use of cookies, they should, at any time, mark the option in the browser settings to reject cookies or signal their transmission.

  • In matters not regulated by this Regulation, the provisions of Polish law apply, in particular, the Civil Code, the Consumer Rights Act, and the Act on the Provision of Electronic Services.
  • This Regulation is effective from January 21, 2015, until revoked.
  • The Store reserves the right to change the Regulation. All changes to the Regulation come into force on the date indicated by the Store, not shorter than 7 days from the date of their publication on the www.tukitoys.com/shop page. Orders placed before the effective date of changes to this Regulation are fulfilled based on the provisions in force on the day the order was placed.
  • We invite you to use the Help pages, where we have provided answers to the most frequently asked questions by customers.